A device that can run custom apps and is built on the seeeduino Xiao microcontroller. Custom apps include: TicTacToe, Pong, and Drawing. IO devices: 3.3V miniscreen, bluetooth module, joystick. Used: Arduino IDE, C++
Server library in CA library for building server programs in C Used: sockets, C
PacmanWorked with a partner to add features to an existing Pacman program. Some of the features added: powerups (cherry, strawberry, random, etc), character selection menu, GPS from pacman to a powerup, Boss ghost that actively hunts you. Used: OpenFrameworks, C++
The Color GreenA social media Web App Used: (Nodejs, express), HTML/CSS/JS, and MongoDB
Wild West MamboA website for a local dance studio. Used: HTML/CSS/JS
Automated Watering SystemA watering system based on the ESP32 microcontroller. When connected to the local network you can see live plots of the data being collected. It can sense weather conditions and react by turing on and of a solenoid valve. It can also store data for later use on a microSD card.
Blackjack 21 for NESBlackjack game written in 6502 Assembly.
GraphingGraphing calculator library in C to graph functions and export them in Bitmap format .bmp.